Xiegu X6100 Firmware Update v1.1.4 (2022-02-19)

Xiegu X6100 Firmware Update v1.1.4 (2022-02-19)

February 2022 update;

App: V1.1.4 Feb 16 2022,17:15:50
1. Add FFT peak hold switch, GEN > DISPLAY SETTING > FFT PK HOLD
2. Fix bug “Gate Way” can’t save in “WLAN” setting page
3. Change rx volume from 0-50 to 0-55(5dB more than prev version)
4. Change CW decoder’s threshold to a higher level(better robustness but needs higher SNR)
5. Calibrate the RX S-Meter giving more accuracy
6. Add ALC level indicator(at the top-right of the bandscope area, below the tx power strings)
7. Optimize the Fw flashing logic(base board will boot-up itself after flashed the Fw)

Base: V1.1.4 Feb 15 2022,13:19:59
1. Fix bug built-in MIC feedback to speaker sometimes
2. Fix bug base board some times not booting at power on
3. Optimize ALC algorithm
4. Optimize SWR algorithm, less jumping around
5. Optimize switching power synchronization algorithm, less birdies

Always read the enclosed update log!

Instructions for FW update: Download “Xiegu X6100 Firmware Update Tutorial” and “SD Card Creation Too”l needed for updating of FW separately, see below (if you already did the 4 full charge and full discharge cycles you can ignore the below instruction).trans

ATTENTION: If you did not install the previous January 17 update, please see the below information regarding the battery management update (if you already did the ;

1. The built-in battery gauge is enabled to manage the battery cell. After the upgrade, the battery voltage will no longer be used as the management data, but the battery capacity measured by the battery gauge will be used as the management data. The relevant precautions are as follows:

1.1 After updating the firmware, please perform 4 full charge and full discharge cycles in a row, after which the fuel gauge will measure accurately. Just after updating the firmware, before the 4 times of charge and discharge are completed, the displayed power error is large, so don’t pay attention to it. The charging process should be kept as continuous as possible until the charging instruction is completed, which is conducive to the accurate capacity determination of the fuel gauge.

1.2 The updated charging indicator status is as follows:
Blinking: Indicates charging
Steady on: Indicates that charging is complete
Off: When the charging option is turned off in the menu, the indicator light will not be on.

1.3 After the update, when the power is lower than 10%, the battery symbol shows red and the interior is empty, and the device will automatically shut down.

1.4 The battery voltage is no longer used as the basis for the judgment of low battery.