ANjo Antennas are developed and manufactured in Germany to the highest electrical standard and mechanical accuracy.
EFwire, end fed multiband wire antennas require less space than center fed dipoles. The feed point is conveniently located at the end of the antenna and attachment point making the EFwire antennas light and discrete.
ANjo’s EFwire antennas are resonant, in most cases no tuner is needed.
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Adventure Products, ANjo, Portable Antennas, TX Antennas, Wire Antennas
ANjo EFW80-10P Ultra Light 5-Band Wire Antenna
Adventure Products, ANjo, Portable Antennas, TX Antennas, Wire AntennasANjo EFW80-10P Ultra Light 5-Band Wire Antenna
Ultra light, end fed wire antenna for 5 shortwave bands 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m. Ideal for any kind of outdoor adventures like SOTA, POTA, hiking, holidays, camping etc.
SKU: EFW80-10P