Xiegu DE-19 Operation Manual

Xiegu DE-19 Operation Manual794 DownloadsThis the operation manual for the DE-19 Digital Modes USB adapter compatible with Xiegu G90, G106 and X5105. Download Now!

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CN-20 XPA125 & FT817/818 Adapter

CN-20 XPA125 & FT817/818 Adapter1972 DownloadsInstructions for how to use the CN-20 adapter to connect the XPA125B to a Yaesu FT-817 or FT-818 transceiver. Download Now!

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CE19 Data Expansion Port Instruction

CE19 Data Expansion Port Instruction5888 DownloadsThis document has all the relevant information on how to connect the CE19 data expansion port with your Xiegu transceiver and a PC for digital

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